August 17, 2010, WASHINGTON, DC–Â Help AIDS Orphans (HAO), a US-based organization that supports AIDS orphans in Africa, announces the launch of a chapter in (COUNTRY) during the 2010 Asian African Youth Forum (AAYF) held during August 23rd-27th, 2010 in Indonesia. The launch of a new chapter during the AAYF will bring attention to the Africa AIDS crisis at a time where leaders and youth from all countries of Asia and Africa will unite to declare the joint collaboration for social and health issues challenging the countries. The new chapter will also help HAO to carry out its mission of bringing awareness to the Africa AIDS crisis and meeting the dire needs of 13 million AIDS orphans and babies.
This year’s forum is a joint collaboration of the Ministry of Youth and Sport, Republic of Indonesia and Department of Sport and Youth of West Java, Indonesia, and supported by the United Nations End Poverty 2015 Millennium Campaign. The forum is part of a commitment to the Millennium Declaration for Asian and African countries to work together on various social issues including development, poverty reduction, fulfillment of human rights, HIV/AIDS and malaria, and environmental protection.
Since 2003 Help AIDS Orphans has made its focal point a global campaign of supplying the 13 million AIDS orphans with donated clothing and school supplies. HAO’s global campaign includes a clothing drive that works with K-12 schools, colleges and universities, and various organizations to collect the donated items, which are then distributed to children living throughout various AIDS orphans. Working with the support of the Nickelodeon Networks and the American Drag Racing League has helped HAO collect thousands of donated items since the launch of the global campaign.
To support Help AIDS Orphans in furthering their mission and help clothe AIDS orphans around the globe, visit www.HelpAIDSOrphans.com or contact (636) 236-6858.
Media Contact:
Blueprint Creative Group
E: Fabiola@BlueprintCreativeGroup.com
P: (404) 437-0078
Laura Callahan
2212 Marketing Group
E: Laura@2212marketinggroup.com
P: (636) 236-6858