Category: Social Media Strategy
7 Best Practices in Social Media Use in College Admissions, Student Services & Alumni Relations
How are various departments within colleges and universities (both small and large) using social media to: increase admissions improve student retention activate and engage the student body engage alumni and solicit donors, and brand and increase awareness for specific schools/programs independent of the college’s overall brand. We recently conducted a study on the use, effectiveness,…
Social Causes That Get Twitter Right- Tweetsgiving Case Study
Tweetsgiving is a social media charity drive that mobilizes the Twitter community to Tweet their gratitude and fundraise for a specific social causes in a 48-hour time period. The following case study highlights a successful social media fundraising strategy that resulted in close to $11,000 raised in 48 hours to build a classroom in Tanzania.
How to Use Social Media for Non-profit Success
Last week, I had the honor of being invited by the Associate Dean of the University of Miami’s School of Education to present a lesson before a Master’s Degree level Non-profit Management course for those either work within the non-profit sector, currently run an organization, or have an interest in starting a non-profit. Being the…
Osama Bin Laden’s Death Sparks 27.9 Million Tweets in 2 Hours
The breaking news of Osama Bin Laden’s death proved the massive power of social media. Before President Obama could formally announce the death of Bin Laden, records were already being broken with 3,000 Tweets per second, which totaled to 12.4 Million Tweets per hour or 27.9 Million Tweets in just 2 hours according to @Mashable.…
A Social Media Lesson From Miami’s Food Trucks (Part 1)
It seemed to have come from nowhere as if that infamous @Krispy Kreme “Hot Now” light came on. All of a sudden the Twitter universe lit up with talks about it, and if you weren’t expecting it, I guarantee you were left wondering Who? What? When? Where? and How? Like a cult following, the Miami…
9 Tips for Using Twitter to Build Your Nonprofit Network
Twitter, so big and so influential, yet so intimidating for many non-profit organizations. So instead, non-profits choose to stay out of the world of hashtags and 140 character limits and instead choose to continue using the same traditional marketing channels to fight for awareness and donor engagement in the oh so competitive non-profit space. As…