In just the blink of an eye, 2011 will be behind us and 2012 will be staring us dead in the face. Besides the normal challenges that come with planning for a new year, many companies simply struggle to maintain top of mind awareness and this eventually has a negative impact on brand positioning, public perception, and ultimately, sales.
What other challenges is your company faced with? Is it generating media visibility, deepening brand visibility, remaining competitive, making the leap into social media, being more creative with your customer engagement tactics, or is your company simply faced with typical growing pains?
Below are 7 tips to accomplishing your marketing goals in 2011.
1. Refine your marketing strategy.
Evaluate your current situation: Where are you now compared to where you intended to be at the start of 2010? Define your goals for 2011 and determine your strategies.
2. Intensify your brand.
It’s not about who YOU say your brand is, but who your customers say you are. How an organization is branded will have a lot to do with how successful the organization is with connecting to its target audience.
3. Develop an effective communications plan.
It’s all about positioning and messaging. What will your messaging platform be for 2011?
4. You are the media now!
By now, you already know that a small number of companies within your respective industry generate all of the media. So instead of waiting on the media, make them come to you. Remember the 4 C’s: community, collaborate, crowd-source, and content creation.
5. What is your ‘keep in touch’ strategy?
Speaking of media, the key to increasing awareness relies on you being proactive in your messaging. Develop a ‘keep in touch’ strategy and be consistent with implementing it.
6. Be more connected!
3 reasons why your organization needs a social media plan today: that’s where your customers are, it deepens the relationship cycle, and it adds an extra layer to your marketing strategy.
7. Shape your public perception!
The truth is that many companies don’t even know how to tell their own stories. Develop a PR plan that gets you in the face of your customers more frequently and manage your reputation strategically.